Entrust Commercial United Kingdom

Ad Creative: What is the Timeline for PostQuantum

Entrust What is the Timeline for PostQuantum Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
Entrust What is the Timeline for PostQuantum Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
Entrust What is the Timeline for PostQuantum Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2

Entrust Ad Profile

  • Advertising Market: United Kingdom
  • Advertiser Industry: Technology
  • Advertiser Category: Security
  • Ad Launch Date: 2024-05-13
  • Ad Format: 58 seconds
  • Ad Description: What is the Timeline for PostQuantum

Entrust Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:02 - so predicting timeline is difficult it's
  • 00:05 - calls for predicting the future but when
  • 00:08 - you pull the leading researchers Quantum
  • 00:10 - physicists and Quantum Computing
  • 00:11 - researchers they talk about a timeline
  • 00:14 - that's anywhere from five years to 20
  • 00:16 - years away and as soon as you get to
  • 00:18 - that sort of 10-year a decade away you
  • 00:20 - start to get into a timeline where
  • 00:21 - there's pretty broad agreement that
  • 00:23 - quantum computers will develop to the
  • 00:25 - point where they're a threat to today's
  • 00:27 - public key security infrastructure
  • 00:30 - and when you think about a time scale of
  • 00:32 - 10 years many organizations have data
  • 00:35 - that needs to be secure for at least
  • 00:37 - that long you think about governments
  • 00:39 - and businesses and trade secrets and
  • 00:41 - financial data that has lifetime that's
  • 00:44 - measured in years and decades so we have
  • 00:47 - to act now and we have to start thinking
  • 00:50 - about that transition to Quantum safe
  • 00:52 - pki technology

Entrust Ad Visuals

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Entrust Ad Reach

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  Medium vs. United Kingdom

  Medium vs. Technology

  Medium vs. Security

Entrust Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. United Kingdom

  Medium vs. Technology

  Medium vs. Security

Entrust Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

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