Google Chrome Commercial Australia

Ad Creative: Easily store your passwords with Chrome

Google Chrome Easily store your passwords with Chrome Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
Google Chrome Easily store your passwords with Chrome Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
Google Chrome Easily store your passwords with Chrome Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2

Google Chrome Ad Profile

  • Advertising Market: Australia
  • Advertiser Industry: Technology
  • Advertiser Category: Browsers
  • Ad Launch Date: 2024-06-06
  • Ad Format: 15 seconds
  • Ad Description: Easily store your passwords with Chrome

Google Chrome Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:00 - switch to Chrome to securely store your
  • 00:02 - passwords so you can sign in with just a
  • 00:05 - click fast safe
  • 00:09 - yours get Chrome for your desktop
  • 00:12 - [Music]

Google Chrome Ad Reach

Audience reach based on YouTube views benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Technology

  Medium vs. Browsers

Google Chrome Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Technology

  Medium vs. Browsers

Google Chrome Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Technology

  High vs. Browsers

Google Chrome Ad Tags

Keyword tags provided by the advertiser.

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