Grammarly Commercial Canada

Ad Creative: Write Like a Pro Write Your Best Work With Grammarly

Grammarly Write Like a Pro Write Your Best Work With Grammarly Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
Grammarly Write Like a Pro Write Your Best Work With Grammarly Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
Grammarly Write Like a Pro Write Your Best Work With Grammarly Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2

Grammarly Ad Profile

  • Advertising Market: Canada
  • Advertiser Industry: Technology
  • Advertiser Category: Text Editors
  • Ad Launch Date: 2025-02-21
  • Ad Format: 55 seconds
  • Ad Description: Write Like a Pro Write Your Best Work With Grammarly

Grammarly Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:00 - the biggest mistakes I see when people
  • 00:01 - are applying for their dream job not
  • 00:03 - realizing that pretty much anyone can
  • 00:04 - write a good resume you need to focus on
  • 00:06 - the things that are actually going to
  • 00:07 - make you stand out let me show you how
  • 00:09 - to do this you need to make sure you
  • 00:10 - have grammarly installed it's going to
  • 00:12 - serve as your AI writing partner so the
  • 00:14 - next time you go to write a cover letter
  • 00:15 - like you know you have the skills but
  • 00:16 - putting it into words is a whole
  • 00:18 - different story take your current resume
  • 00:19 - and use grammarly's AI features go from
  • 00:21 - a blank page to writing a targeted cover
  • 00:23 - letter that actually incorporates the
  • 00:25 - work that you've done because it's based
  • 00:26 - on your resume taking it a step further
  • 00:28 - and actually connecting with people is
  • 00:30 - what's going to help you land a job in
  • 00:31 - today's market so when you're writing an
  • 00:32 - email to follow up after an interview or
  • 00:34 - you need to draft a connection request
  • 00:35 - online start incorporating grammarly it
  • 00:38 - can summarize the email and provide you
  • 00:40 - with suggestions on how to respond plus
  • 00:42 - I love that they have The Confident tone
  • 00:44 - suggestion so you can come off self
  • 00:45 - assured without being too pushy because
  • 00:47 - your tone definitely matters when you're
  • 00:49 - making a first impression
  • 00:52 - [Music]

Grammarly Ad Visuals

Visual objects featured in the creative imagery.

Grammarly Ad Reach

Audience reach based on YouTube views benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. Canada

  Medium vs. Technology

  Low vs. Text Editors

Grammarly Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Canada

  Low vs. Technology

  Low vs. Text Editors

Grammarly Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  No Data

  No Data

  No Data

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