Investmentor Commercial Australia

Ad Creative: Family home not an asset

Investmentor Family home not an asset Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
Investmentor Family home not an asset Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
Investmentor Family home not an asset Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2

Investmentor Ad Profile

  • Advertising Market: Australia
  • Advertiser Industry: Finance
  • Advertiser Category: Property
  • Ad Launch Date: 2024-06-03
  • Ad Format: 65 seconds
  • Ad Description: Family home not an asset

Investmentor Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:00 - your family home is not an asset let's
  • 00:02 - say you buy a family home right now for
  • 00:05 - 500,000 and you'd spend the next 30
  • 00:07 - years paying down that mortgage the
  • 00:09 - question is have you really made any
  • 00:11 - money now most people would say I've
  • 00:13 - made the Capital Growth Because by the
  • 00:15 - time I've paid down the mortgage that
  • 00:17 - property could be worth around $2
  • 00:19 - million where did the money even come
  • 00:21 - from for you to pay down that loan it
  • 00:23 - came from your income right more
  • 00:24 - importantly it came from your time so
  • 00:27 - what difference would have it made if
  • 00:29 - you had paid down the mortgage or you
  • 00:31 - simply just put it into a high interest
  • 00:33 - savings account the result would have
  • 00:35 - been exactly the same buying a house and
  • 00:38 - spending 30 years paying down a mortgage
  • 00:40 - on it is probably the least efficient
  • 00:42 - way to build wealth in Australia I've
  • 00:44 - spent the past 15 years learning and
  • 00:46 - studying how to maximize every dollar
  • 00:49 - that I earned and now I'm prepared to
  • 00:51 - show you exactly how I did it in my next
  • 00:53 - wolf multiplier Workshop so please join
  • 00:55 - me by clicking the link registering your
  • 00:57 - details and most importantly show up
  • 00:59 - I'll see you there

Investmentor Ad Visuals

Visual objects featured in the creative imagery.

Investmentor Ad Reach

Audience reach based on YouTube views benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Finance

  Medium vs. Property

Investmentor Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Australia

  Low vs. Finance

  Low vs. Property

Investmentor Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Finance

  Medium vs. Property

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