IRISH SPRING Commercial United States

Ad Creative: IrishSpring YouTube WPP 30ozOriginalClean PostBaseballSeason HORIZ 014 v2 241001

IRISH SPRING IrishSpring YouTube WPP 30ozOriginalClean PostBaseballSeason HORIZ 014 v2 241001 Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
IRISH SPRING IrishSpring YouTube WPP 30ozOriginalClean PostBaseballSeason HORIZ 014 v2 241001 Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
IRISH SPRING IrishSpring YouTube WPP 30ozOriginalClean PostBaseballSeason HORIZ 014 v2 241001 Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2


  • Advertising Market: United States
  • Advertiser Industry: Household
  • Advertiser Category: Cleaning
  • Ad Launch Date: 2024-10-09
  • Ad Format: 15 seconds
  • Ad Description: IrishSpring YouTube WPP 30ozOriginalClean PostBaseballSeason HORIZ 014 v2 241001

IRISH SPRING Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:00 - The Heavy Hitters in the box and today
  • 00:02 - he's batting cleanup that's why they
  • 00:04 - call him the big fly the Grand Slam a
  • 00:06 - clean shot to Left Field Irish Spring
  • 00:08 - sends it out of the park Welcome to The
  • 00:10 - Bigs folks go hit the showers with Irish
  • 00:12 - Spring now 50% bigger


Visual objects featured in the creative imagery.


Audience reach based on YouTube views benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. United States

  Medium vs. Household

  Medium vs. Cleaning

IRISH SPRING Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. United States

  Medium vs. Household

  Medium vs. Cleaning

IRISH SPRING Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  No Data

  No Data

  No Data

IRISH SPRING Ad Collections

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