NZ Seniors Ad Transcript
Creative storyline based on voiceover.
- 00:00 - just about to see it off on
- 00:00 - our first fly fishing adventure it's number
- 00:03 - nineteen on our bucket list tell you
- 00:05 - another big one we've crossed off that
- 00:07 - bucket-list protecting our family financially the seniors
- 00:10 - tim life insurance by having life insurance
- 00:13 - now we know i loved ones can
- 00:14 - go on living their best lives no
- 00:16 - matter what else happens when new zealand
- 00:18 - see me as if you are aged
- 00:19 - forty five to
- 00:20 - seventy nine you can apply for up
- 00:21 - to one hundred thousand dollars cover applying
- 00:24 - is streamlined to no medical tests just
- 00:27 - answer eight health questions once approved you're
- 00:29 - covered from to twenty years including terminal
- 00:32 - illness and when your family claims they'll
- 00:34 - get twenty percents in advance to help
- 00:36 - cover funeral costs knowing our family has
- 00:38 - a safety net
- 00:40 - feels great right time to get our
- 00:43 - fate weight during this one getaway put
- 00:46 - seniors term life insurance at the top
- 00:48 - of your bucket list protect your family
- 00:50 - today call eight hundred four hundred to
- 00:52 - seven eight or visit indeed seniors dot
- 00:55 - co dot indeed -