Visit Brisbane Commercial Australia

Ad Creative: Brisbane Favours The Bold

Visit Brisbane Brisbane Favours The Bold Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 0
Visit Brisbane Brisbane Favours The Bold Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 1
Visit Brisbane Brisbane Favours The Bold Ad Commercial Brand Imagery Photoshoot 2

Visit Brisbane Ad Profile

  • Advertising Market: Australia
  • Advertiser Industry: Travel
  • Advertiser Category: Destinations
  • Ad Launch Date: 2024-03-04
  • Ad Format: 30 seconds
  • Ad Description: Brisbane Favours The Bold

Visit Brisbane Ad Transcript

Creative storyline based on voiceover.

  • 00:02 - what's that they told you keep your head
  • 00:05 - down don't play with
  • 00:07 - fire no no just stick with the
  • 00:12 - crowd keep your feet on the
  • 00:15 - ground go where you feel
  • 00:18 - [Music]
  • 00:19 - comfortable like you always do or
  • 00:22 - something unexpected might happen and
  • 00:26 - you can't have that now can
  • 00:28 - you

Visit Brisbane Ad Visuals

Visual objects featured in the creative imagery.

Visit Brisbane Ad Reach

Audience reach based on YouTube views benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Australia

  Low vs. Travel

  Low vs. Destinations

Visit Brisbane Ad Favorability

Creative favorability based on YouTube likes benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Medium vs. Australia

  Medium vs. Travel

  Medium vs. Destinations

Visit Brisbane Ad Engagement

Audience engagement based on YouTube comments benchmarked against Market, Industry and Category.

  Low vs. Australia

  Low vs. Travel

  Low vs. Destinations

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